School of Data Science Ph.D. Students and Faculty Member Named To Raven Society

I am pleased to present the Spring 2024 School of Data Science Ravens: the first School faculty Raven, Don Brown, and Ph.D. students Saurav Sengupta and Joseph Choi. All were formally initiated at a ceremony held in the Poe Room on March 27.
The 2023-2024 academic year has been successful for Data Science Ravens. The fall term marked the first time current School Ravens chose future School Ravens. This spring term was historic, as it was the first time a faculty member was honored with Raven membership.
Just like the fall of 2023, the Raven Society overwhelmingly voted to induct all School of Data Science nominees and one faculty commented "We really like Dr. Brown. His work here at the University is extremely impressive. I'm excited to meet him!"
With back-to-back successful semesters in the Raven Society, the School of Data Science has established a strong reputation for exceptional student and faculty nominees on the eve of our new building's opening ceremony.
As the first School of Data Science Raven Selections Chair, I am grateful for the support and guidance of our community and I would like to thank the following faculty and staff for their support: Phil Bourne, Sunny Taylor, Jack Van Horn, and Jessica Beverly. I'm proud of the unanimous inductions this year, and I look forward to seeing more accomplishments from our School in the future.
The Raven Society was founded in 1904 and is the oldest and most prestigious honor society at the University of Virginia. Taking its name from Edgar Allan Poe’s iconic poem, the Raven Society honors and promotes superior academic and extra-curricular achievement. To be selected as a Raven is a high honor, and graduate student nominees must demonstrate proven academic distinction in scholarship and research.