At Datapalooza 2019, the School of Data Science is excited to present research from on Grounds and beyond that showcases the myriad ways data science can be applied across domains. Data science doesn't exist in a vacuum. It is only in its application to other fields of study that we can maximize both the potential offered by data science and the potential in ourselves.
This year we will feature two keynote talks, one in the morning to open the conference and one in the afternoon to close. We encourage all attendees to take part in both keynotes to get the full Datapalooza experience.
OPENING KEYNOTE | 9:00 a.m. | Ballroom, Ninth Floor (The Graduate)
Advancing Data Science as a Science: Paradigms, Practices, and Infrastructure
Dr. Victoria Stodden is an associate professor in the School of Information Sciences at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, and an Affiliate Scholar with the Center for Internet and Society at Stanford Law School, a Faculty Affiliate of the Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford (METRICS).
@victoriastodden on GitHub and Twitter
CLOSING KEYNOTE | 4:00 p.m. | Ballroom, Ninth Floor (The Graduate)
Doing Data Science in Service of the Public Good
In the words of Thomas Jefferson, "knowledge is power." This is an adage that data scientists understand all too well given that it is quickly becoming the new currency for sound decision-making and policy development. But not all data are created equal.
Today's data revolution is not just about big data, but the emergence of all sizes and types of data. Advances in information technology, computation, and statistics now make it possible to access, integrate, and analyze massive amounts of data over time and space. Further, massive repurposing (using data for purposes other than those for which it was gathered) is becoming an increasingly common practice and concern. These data are often incomplete, flawed, challenging to access, and non-representative.
That predicament is driving a significant need to move from simple data analytics to actually "doing data science," to better serve the public and help to improve the health and well-being of all communities.
In her keynote presentation, Dr. Sallie Keller will expand on the concept of "doing data science" and share research that has allowed community leaders to make informed and better decisions for their constituents.
Dr. Sallie Keller is division director of Social and Decision Analytics and distinguished professor at the UVA Biocomplexity Initiative & Institute, and professor of Public Health Sciences at UVA School of Medicine.