10:00 a.m. | The Graduate
Datapalooza 2019 will feature a series of one-hour panel sessions around a variety of topics to showcase the depth and breadth of data science research opportunities. These panels offer an opportunity to help guide data science research at UVA and beyond.
During the first half of the panel, each speaker will present on their research around the topic, followed by a moderated session including comments and questions from the audience, then a discussion led by the moderator with the panelists. The second half of the panel will be used for a dialog with the audience around key question(s) that will inform future research directions for the School of Data Science. A notetaker will provide a summary that is intended to inform school research direction and be publicly posted after the meeting.
Ballroom | Ninth Floor
This panel will be a focused discussion on the current use of data science in the academic, research and practice domains inside the broader field of education. This understanding of the present will be used to inform the future, as data science methodologies are expected to continue to have an increased influence on education across these domains. The expected outcomes will help shape how the School of Data Science can effectively facilitate this expansion to the mutual benefit of both fields of practice.
- Brian Wright (moderator), Associate Professor, UVA School of Data Science
- Vivian Wong, Associate Professor, Leadership, Foundations and Policy, UVA Curry School of Education
- Brian Kim, Institute of Education Sciences Pre-Doctoral Fellow, UVA Curry School of Education and Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy
- Catherine Finnegan, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Research and Reporting, Virginia Community College System
Sheep Dog Cafe | First Floor
How can data and data science be used to promote a more just and equitable world, to reduce human suffering, to enable the inclusion and thriving of all people? We’ll consider these questions and ongoing research spanning the spectrum from local to global to consider the.ethical and humane use of data and data science in service to a fully realized practice of democracy.
- Michelle Claibourn (moderator), Director of Research Data Services, UVA Library
- Barbara Brown Wilson, Assistant Professor, Urban + Environmental Planning, UVA School of Architecture
- Mark Slezak, Principal, Rivanna Strategy
Game Room | Second Floor
The US is being increasingly impacted by climate change and efforts to mitigate this change will require significant retooling of our energy, transportation, and industrial systems. Our panel will explore opportunities for novel ways of using data to identify low hanging fruit for driving down emissions. Our panelists will represent a variety of perspectives representing the technological, biophysical, and societal dimensions of these opportunities.
- Andres Clarens (moderator), Associate Professor, UVA School of Engineering
- Deborah Lawrence, Professor, Environmental Science, UVA College of Arts & Sciences
- Bill Shobe, Professor, UVA Frank Batten School of Leadership & Public Policy; Adjunct Professor, Economics, UVA College of Arts & Sciences; Director, Center for Economic and Policy Studies, Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service
- Lisa Colosi Peterson, Associate Professor, Engineering Systems and Environment, UVA School of Engineering
Studio A | The Corner Building
Network traffic and host logs are good sources of data for detecting cyberattacks. To detect zero-day cyberattacks, signature based intrusion detection systems are insufficient; anomaly based systems are required. This session will discuss the potential of machine learning based anomaly detection methods to detect zero-day attacks early enough to thwart such attacks from causing wide-spread harm.
- Malathi Veeraraghavan (moderator), Professor, UVA School of Engineering
- Mike Geide, Founder, Punch Cyber
- Jacob Baxter, Senior Research Scientist, Punch Cyber
- Jeff Collyer, Information Security Engineer, UVA