A Week in the Life: Residential MSDS Student, Trenton Slocum

I am a residential graduate student with the University of Virginia’s School of Data Science, and a graduate from Pepperdine University with a Bachelor of Arts in Economics with minors in Applied Mathematics and Data Science.
Being from Seattle, Washington and going to undergrad in California, I realized that I had spent my entire life on the West Coast, so I prioritized Eastern schools when applying for graduate school. I was beyond excited to learn that I was accepted into the Master’s in Data Science Residential Program and would get to spend a year in Charlottesville.
As I would be starting the program just 1.5 months after graduating, I had to quickly change my mindset and schedule to accommodate the workload of a graduate student. I soon learned to manage my time much more efficiently so that I could be successful in my studies, while still enjoying all that Charlottesville has to offer!
Weekly Schedule

I try to wake up every day at or just before 6 a.m., except for maybe weekends. I usually lay everything out for the day the night before, so I can tightly pack everything into my backpack and quickly get out to the kitchen to make my breakfast for the morning and throw a lunch together if I need it that day. I’ll then grab everything, put in my headphones, turn on some music to get me energized, and start the 20 minute walk to the gym. I usually spend about 2 hours there between my workout and getting ready for class. Then I make the 20 minute walk to class and join my roommates in our unassigned-assigned seating for our first class of the day.
On days with a second class in the afternoon, I typically like to stay in the School of Data Science building between classes. Depending on how much work I feel that I need to complete, I will either join some friends in one of the many available group spaces in the Data Science building for the break, or I will find a more secluded spot to sit down and focus. Then I can use one of the kitchen areas to heat up my lunch.
On days without a second class, my roommates and I like to make the walk home right after class so we can grab some lunch, then decompress before we all sit down at the dining room table to grind out our work for the day. With an afternoon class that ends at 3:45 p.m., we have the same routine, but with a quick snack instead of lunch. Summer class homework tends to be due the next day so we feel it's best to start it early so we have time to figure out new concepts and solve problems if they appear. I also take this time to do things around the house such as clean, organize, or even just take a walk.
After finishing up our work for the day, the roommates and I do our best to share the kitchen as we all try to prepare dinner at the exact same time. It can turn into a huge mess sometimes because there are four of us. Once dinner is all finished up, we all find a spot to just sit down and chill out for the rest of the night. Sometimes it is on the couch in our living room surrounding the TV to watch the Olympic or plays video games.
Other times it is in our rooms so we can all go nonverbal. Before I go to bed, I plan out my next day, lay out everything I need, and get organized. I also try to read some of the writings of my late grandpa Stan, or a chapter out of the current book I’m reading “Alice in Chains: The Untold Story.” I do my absolute best to be lights off in bed by 11 p.m. so that I can be ready for the next day, but that doesn’t always happen.

Life Outside of Being a Student
The key to having a life outside of the Data Science program is to master your time management skills. I have learned to treat school as a full-time job (get work done during the day hours, such as a 9-5) so that I can have time to do what I want in the mornings, evenings, and weekends.
When I actually end up following my own strategy and getting my work done when I plan, I use my extra time to explore the wonderful town of Charlottesville. My roommates and I decided to find a house near main street and more toward downtown, so we are within walking distance of the walking mall, as well as tons of other shops, restaurants, and bars. I am making it a mission to visit as many of these as I possibly can during my time here.
I also can’t wait to attend UVA football games (and other sporting events), especially because Pepperdine did not have a football team for me to cheer for. When I want to get out of town, I will be utilizing the very close Amtrak station to travel up and down the east coast, as well as visiting my brother in Richmond, which is just an hour away. Virginia is home to beautiful nature with plenty of areas to visit and sites to see. I hope to spend some of my time fishing, camping, and hiking so that I can truly experience all that Virginia has to offer me.