First Friday Speaker Series: Christopher Porter, SVP & Chief of Information Security, Fannie Mae

Friday, December 4th 12PM ET


Chris PorterMore personal and organizational data is being shared, captured and stored online than ever before. This digital ‘treasure trove’ is enticing for cyber-criminals who by 2023 it’s estimated will steal 33 billion records, making data-driven solutions to cybercrime increasingly more important.

To learn more about how government and the private sector are leveraging data science to meet this challenge, please join the UVA School of Data Science’s next First Friday speaker on Dec. 4 at noon, featuring Christopher Porter, SVP and Chief Information Security Officer for Fannie Mae. Fannie Mae provides access to affordable mortgage and makes sustainable homeownership and workforce rental housing a reality for millions of Americans. 

Porter, who studied economics and management of information technology at UVA, is responsible for maturing and innovating Fannie Mae's defense and response capabilities and communicating the importance of information security across the enterprise.

Porter has over 15 years of experience in IT and security industries. His background includes work as an economist, network and system administrator, information security consultant and researcher. In his previous role at Verizon, Porter was a lead analyst and author of Verizon's Data Breach Investigations Report series. He was also the co-creator of the VERIS Framework (Vocabulary for Event Recording and Incident Sharing) which allows organizations to collect and report security incident metrics in a standard and repeatable manner.

Porter has a bachelor’s degree in Economics and Psychology from UVA and a master’s degree in Management of Information Technology from the McIntire School of Commerce. He is a member of the Board of Directors at the FAIR Institute.