Ph.D. Student Profile: Gia Smith
Gia Smith
Ph.D. in Data Science Student, University of Virginia
B.S. Computer Science 2022, Old Dominion University
Newport News, Virginia
Q: When and why did you become interested in Data Science?
I was introduced to Data Science in my undergraduate Statistics course. I found myself as a software engineer, limited to compiling data for a resource to create a tool or system. I soon realized I wanted to make these data points tell me their story instead of me determining theirs. Driven to learn more, I became self-taught using platforms like LinkedIn Learning and YouTube. This was also around the time when the US government first discussed banning TikTok, a Chinese data trafficking giant at the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Hearing opinions from experts in the field expressing the importance of this hot topic issue, made me want to learn more to join the conversation as an expert myself. Data Science encompasses everything I love, from predictive modeling to reflecting on how key methodologies in technology affect the well-being of everyone in society.
Q: Choosing a doctoral program is a big decision. Why did you decide on UVA’s Ph.D. in Data Science?
The passion that the leadership possesses at the School of Data Science is unmatched. The love of students and course material radiates through our "school without walls" and I knew I wanted to be a part of it from the start. We also have a different approach to Data Science, in that we incorporate systems, analytics, design, and value of equal importance in every program. I believe this sets UVA’s School of Data Science apart from the rest. Charlottesville is also full of enriching history! I have to pinch myself when my favorite play Hamilton references Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello estate.
Q: What is your research area of interest? Do you know what your dissertation topic will be?
I am most interested in predictive modeling where it relates to epidemiology.
Q: What has been your favorite class or professor in the program so far and why?
Professor Jon Kropko is very passionate and caring for each and every student! His approach to the course Data Engineering (where we utilized APIs and web scraping, compiled these data frames into databases and created a dynamic dashboard) was an immersive experience and helped us jump start our portfolios from the start!
Q: What advice do you have for someone interested in pursuing a Ph.D. in Data Science?
Be kind to yourself, allow yourself to make mistakes, and put trust in your own capabilities but never be afraid to ask for help!
Q: What is a fun fact about yourself?
I’ve watched all seasons of Game of Thrones 5 times.