This is a required course for the Graduate Certificate in Digital Humanities. Although students traditionally enroll in it in the final semester before they receive their Certificate, they should expect to begin work on their Practicum portfolio as soon as they are accepted into the Certificate program. Practicum requirements include (1) participation in the Digital Humanities Colloquium Series, (2) 60 hours of hands-on technical learning/experience, and (3) the creation of a portfolio.   

The DH Colloquium Series brings notable digital humanists to speak at the University on a variety of subjects, and these events are required for Certificate students during every semester. Options for satisfying the hands-on technical requirement include participation in technical workshops and courses, technical internships requiring any level of technical expertise, and participation in digital humanities research projects as a research assistant or intern. Each student should expect to create a portfolio that displays and reflects on the work produced in their DH courses and hands-on training.   

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Alison Booth