This course is designed to increase the digital literacy of advanced undergraduate and graduate art & architectural history students. Class meetings will combine discussion of readings and analysis of sites and tools with hands on instruction in a spectrum of digital tools relevant for art and architectural history. Discussions will focus on questions such as what avenues for research does this tool or site open up? What ones does it close off? Does this technology enable us to ask new questions that would not be possible? Students will critically read and discuss a cross section of works ranging from spatial and temporal theory in art history to debates about the integration of computers with the humanities. Workshops will include hands-on demonstrations of digital tools for capturing and analyzing art and architectural history data. Several of these processes will include the creation of 3D models from laser scan and photogrammetry data, viewshed and network analysis in ArcGIS, and temporal & spatial database creation in Omeka-Neatline. Students will apply a selection of these tools to a research topic they develop with the instructor with the support of the Scholars Lab. Through the discussion, readings and hands on application, students will develop a methodology for analyzing and applying digital tools to their humanities research.