Meet The 2023-2024 Minor Ambassadors

Meet the 2023-2024 Data Science Minor Student Ambassadors! These undergraduate students come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences, but they are all pursuing the Data Science Minor with different goals and career objectives. Reach out to this year's ambassadors with any questions you have about the program, how it complements a variety of majors and what you can do with a Minor in Data Science.

Cole Anderson (he/him)
Major: Interdisciplinary Global Studies: Security and Justice; 3rd year student
Hometown: Chevy Chase, MD
Why did you choose to do a data science minor?
I chose to do the data science minor because I wanted an upper hand in our rapidlyevolving world. The minor provides me with that opportunity, along with important skillsand knowledge that will help me achieve my career and personal goals.
How do you plan to use data science to change/shape the world?
Data science is a powerful tool that allows us to extract valuable insights from vastamounts of data. By coupling this tool with my existing studies, I’m hoping to createwell-analyzed solutions for the complex issues we face in today's data-driven world. Inthis time of technological exponentiation, data breaches, cyber-attacks and similar threatsare all the more prevalent, and I want to ensure security and protection to vulnerableindividuals and organizations alike.
What are you looking forward to this academic year?I’m excited to study French and continue learning about data science and itsapplications.
What is a fun fact about you?
I play the guitar and am a diehard Beatles fan.

Taylor Decina (she/her)
Major: Global Studies: Global Public Health; 3rd year student
Hometown: Long Island, NY
Why did you choose to do a data science minor?
I chose to do a data science minor because of its applicability to any field of study. The program fosters the development of various skills amongst its students including, but not limited to data analysis, data interpretation, and data visualization. All three are advantageous in the job market, thus opening the door to many more professional opportunities.
How do you plan to use Data Science to change/shape the world?
The Covid-19 Pandemic brought to light the true impact of Public Health Officials in our country. These professionals work very closely with massive datasets that can be quickly understood through practices taught in the coursework of the Data Science Minor Program. In my career, I hope to use my two fields of study to better understand the spread of disease and learn how to better control infectious outbreaks to prevent future fatal pandemics.
What are you looking forward to this academic year?
As a third year I have learned to take advantage of every opportunity that UVA presents: academically and socially. Academically, I am most excited to begin the Global Studies program. And socially, I cannot wait to attend more live music performances UVA offers!
What is a fun fact about you?
My favorite TV Show is Grey’s Anatomy!

Why did you choose to do a data science minor?
After realizing how important statistical knowledge and coding abilities are for pursuing a career in the sciences, I chose to do a data science minor. The minor is the perfect combination of these two fields. It supplements my biology major nicely by allowing me to pursue the computational side of the subject with skills I’ve learned from data science classes.
How do you plan to use Data Science to change/shape the world?
I plan to use data science in my work as a biological researcher. Analyzing and visualizing large data sets are integral to understanding complex biological processes and drawing new conclusions from experiments that could lead to the next big breakthrough in drug development, cancer research, genetics, or any other scientific pursuit. I’ve used knowledge and skills that I’ve learned from my data sciences classes in my undergraduate lab work, and I plan to take what I’ve learned and apply it to real-world work as a scientist after graduating.
What are you looking forward to this academic year?
I look forward to football games in the fall, ski racing with VASST in the winter, and enjoying my time with friends picnicking on the Lawn in the spring!
What is a fun fact about you?
I am a Minnesota Vikings fanatic, despite being from Patriots territory. SKOL!

Why did you choose to do a data science minor?
I took some data science classes and thought they were pretty interesting!
How do you plan to use Data Science to change/shape the world?
I plan to use data science to help generate helpful insights/improvements in the health/environmental field.
What are you looking forward to this academic year?
I’m looking forward to learning rock climbing and karate!
What is a fun fact about you?
I’m really bad at baking: all the desserts I’ve made tasted nothing like what they were supposed to.
Avery Schebell (she/her)
Major: Systems Engineering; 4th year student
Hometown: Richmond, VA
Why did you choose to do a data science minor?
I chose to pursue a data science minor because I wanted to learn how to put the skills I’ve been learning in the classroom into practice, as well aslearn more about the growing industry of data science.
How will SDS move you toward your career goals?
In the future, I would like to work as a data analyst with a focus on making processes more efficient. SDS will not only help me grow my technical skill repertoire, but also assist me through networking events and leadership opportunities.
What is a fun fact about you?
I spent the summer in Washington, D.C. as a data analyst intern using the tools and skills I learned in my data science classes for real-world clients. I'm happy to discuss my experience, so if you're interested in chatting please reach out!

Tomi Igun (she/her)
Major: Global Studies: Security and Justice; 4th year student
Hometown: Bowie, MD
Why did you choose to do a data science minor?
I chose to minor in data science because I wanted to develop a background in an interesting field that is growing and would be resourceful for the job market, as well as to strengthen my programming skills.
How do you plan to use data science to change/shape the world?
I plan to use data science to analyze data privacy trends and to solve problems by making data-informed decisions. I hope to obtain extraordinary insights into the way things work and how people behave.
What are you looking forward to this academic year?
I am excited to continue taking data science courses and further develop my hard skills, as well as other courses I plan on taking in the coming year. In addition, it is my last year of college, so I am excited to spend time with friends and make lasting memories.
What is a fun fact about you?
I have been on an underwater train!

Why did you choose to do the Data Science Minor?
I chose the Data Science Minor because of its application to economics. The minor allows me to gain a deeper understanding of what I am studying and to learn new skills. Additionally, having experience in data science opens up possibilities for job versatility within economics as it is a rapidly growing industry.
How do you plan to use data science to change/shape the world?
I am interested in economic consulting which deals with analyzing and interpreting data for decision making. With my Data Science Minor, I will be able to apply my skills and be an efficient worker. Also, because data science is a booming industry, I think that having knowledge of the topic will allow me to be more adaptable to changes and growth in technology.
What are you looking forward to this academic year?
It is my final year at UVA, so I am going to try to enjoy every minute of it! I am looking forward to completing the Data Science Project course and having the opportunity to use my knowledge on my own project. Also, I was just abroad in Spring 2023, so I am excited to move back to Charlottesville!
What is a fun fact about you?
I have three citizenships!

Why did you choose to do a data science minor?
I kept hearing everywhere how important coding and programming were so out of pure curiosity I took an Intro to Programming class and ended up loving it. Looking for ways to introduce data, statistics, and some coding into my major, I stumbled upon the Data Science Minor at UVA. I was fascinated to learn how data science fits into so many different areas of life and I loved relating my data studies to other classes and vice versa.
How do you plan to use data science to change/shape the world?
After doing an internship in data science last year, I saw firsthand how important data and information are for the future. Not only does it pervade almost every aspect of our life, but it also allows us to harness tools and build models that can aid in almost every industry sector. Personally, I would love to build something to help solve the big data problem and harness proper security measures, helping protect and defend the most vulnerable.
What are you looking forward to this academic year?
This is my last year at UVA, so beyond screaming the “Good Ole Song” at every football game, I am looking forward to taking courses that tailor more to my specific interests and enjoying my last couple of months in Charlottesville.
What is a fun fact about you?
I just spent a semester in Madrid, Spain!