Predicting Community-Level Criminal Behaviors by Estimating Human Attitudes from Social Media

Jordan Axt (Psychology), Mohammad Al Boni (Systems and Information Engineering), and Lin Gong (Computer Science)

Faculty Advisors: Matthew Gerber (School of Engineering), Brian Nosek (Psychology), and Hongning Wang (Computer Science)

Learning Knowledge Search Techniques in the Law and Other Domains

Faraz Dadgostari (Systems and Information Engineering) and Mauricio Guim (School of Law)

Faculty Advisors: Peter Beling (School of Engineering) and Michael Livermore (School of Law)

Evaluating the Effects of Social Relationships on Brain Activities via High-Dimensional Differential Graphical Models

Sara Medina-DeVilliers (Psychology) and Pan Xu (Systems and Information Engineering)

Faculty Advisors: James Coan (College of Arts and Sciences) and Quanquan Gu (Systems and Information Engineering)

Loneliness in an Age of Unprecedented Social Connection: Using Data Analytics to Explore the Role of Social Media in Bolstering or Impairing Well-Being

Yu Huang (Electrical and Computer Engineering), Brandon Ng (Psychology), and Adi Shakhed (Psychology)

Faculty Advisors: Laura Barnes (School of Engineering), Gerald Clore (Psychology), and Shigehiro Oishi (Psychology)

The Role of Emotions in Political Discourse

B. Kal Munis (Politics) and David Reinhard (Psychology)

Faculty Advisors: Gerald Clore (Psychology) and Nicholas Winter (Politics)