School Launches a Data Science Symposium
The School of Data Science launched the Data Science Symposium, a new series of faculty and expert-led seminars on a variety of data science related topics. The first lecture explored the question, “Is Data Science a Thing?” and was led by Associate Professor of Data Science Rafael Alvarado. Alvarado has drafted a white paper on the history and evolution of data science as a field which serves as the basis of how the UVA School of Data Science defines itself.
Alvarado’s unique academic and research paths are indicative of the transformational and interdisciplinary nature of data science. His initial studies were in engineering before he transitioned to philosophy and anthropology. He digital humanist, Alvarado combines his interests in human culture and quantitative methods on several projects, including current research into decolonization of the Popol Vuh, the Mayan book of creation, and other indigenous texts.

In this lecture, Alvarado confirmed that, “yes, data science is a thing,” but that it has been misrecognized because the work of data science lies in the “convoluted space between production of data and the communication of results.” He talked through the emergence of data science in the 1950s and 60s to its present-day existence, from when it was regarded by academia as a “low-level activity” to its acceptance today as one of the most in-demand jobs in industry, government, and academia. Alvarado outlined the persistence of a pipeline characterized by data impedance – the disproportion between the surplus of data and the capacity of machines to process it – and spoke about the responsibility of data scientists to not only “make the machines but also accountable for the full data pipeline.” In conclusion, he firmly declared that data science is real and here to stay. View his presentation to learn more.
The Data Science Symposium is spearheaded by Associate Dean of Faculty & Academic Affairs Jeffrey Blume and is sponsored by the School of Data Science at the University of Virginia. For the inaugural year, bi-weekly lectures are planned in person with a virtual attendance option. If you would like to learn more about presenting or attending, please reach out to